samedi 28 juin 2014

Let's go! The 6th Ceramics Biennale at Prévelles/Tuffé starts today at 5 pm!

 The sixth and latest edition of the Biennale officially begin today. Until July 6, this event offers the opportunity to admire extraordinary pieces made by recognized French potters as well as magnificent creations of artists native of the 2014 guest country: Ukraine.
On June 28, 2014, the opening is scheduled at 5 pm at Tuffé tourist train station for a journey to Prévelles. First discover the achievements of the guest ceramist Marianna Vakhnyak in her workshop of La Pucelle, then visit La Maison du Potier (The Potter's House) to get acquainted with Yaroslav Slavinskyi, Nadiya and Sergey Nykorovitch, traditional potters who represent the diversity of their country. Come back with the train to Tuffé Abbey where Ukrainian ceramists show their works: Vasyl Bodnarchuk and Svetlana Pasechnaya. In the Abbey courtyard find the works of the great names of French pottery invited this year: Jean Grison, Michel Moglia and Joanna Hair. Finally meet our "locals": Marie-Anne Hubert, Katy Barrault, Malvina Germain, Patricia Rayon & Alain Gilbert, Delphine Lauray, Christine Bath & David Jodon and Philippe Menard in the cloister.
All the exhibitions are open every afternoon until July 6 (from 3 pm to 7 pm / from 2 pm to 6 pm on Saturday and Sunday).

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